how to force yourself to pee for a drug test

Light to moderate users (a couple of times a month to a couple of times a week) may pass their test in days. In some situations, you might have to force your body to pee. This might be when your doctor asks you to give urine for analysis at a checkup. Your doctor will give you a sterile plastic container into which you urinate, signs you were roofied and they’ll run various tests on your urine sample. People should seek medical attention if they experience trouble urinating several times a day. Not being able to pee can be a sign of underlying conditions that require treatment, such as urinary tract infections or prostate problems.

How much urine is needed for a drug test?

how to force yourself to pee for a drug test

From there, it makes its way to the body’s soft tissues before THC metabolites settle into your fat cells. Once the fat cells are burned, those metabolites recirculate through the bloodstream until they are eventually excreted via urine and feces. The metabolites are traceable to varying degrees by drug tests in urine, saliva, blood, and hair.

  1. That will ensure your fake pee smells like real pee and your sample actually gets sent to the lab.
  2. Before you freak out, do a little research on your local drug testing laws.
  3. In most cases, a person can help prevent urination problems with some preparation, such as by drinking plenty of water before an appointment where urine samples are required.
  4. Generally, employers will wait until the end of an interview process to drug test new hires.

Product Reviews

If you’d like to learn more about drug tests, check out our in-depth interview with Ian Kroes, MD. In fact, in moderate to heavy consumers, it can take between 14 days to a whole month to test clean from THC, the primary psychoactive in cannabis. With such high stakes, it’s no wonder consumers go to great lengths to detox. This is a simple ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ urine test that will let you know whether or not you’re clean within five minutes. It’s 99% accurate and tests THC levels above 50 ng/mL—the industry standard of THC testing. This cleansing program is designed for anyone that has a very high level of daily exposure, including heavy daily smoking, vaping, concentrates, or edibles.

By cutting down your carbs you start your body’s process of naturally burning fat cells and thusly increasing your detox time. How frequently you smoke WILL impact your detox time, as again, the more THC in your system the longer it takes. When you smoke there’s a limit to how high you can get as your body just caps out on the amount of THC it can process at one time, so lets use some arbitrary numbers to make it easier to understand. Lets say you have a bucket filled with 100 units of water, that’s the amount of THC you just consumed. Now you have a filter that can process lets say 10 units per hour max, that’s your body actually metabolizing the THC that’s in your blood and making you high.

Passing a Blood, Saliva or Hair Test

But the general rule of thumb, if they call you and drug rehab statistics success rates you don’t have any prescriptions, just assume you failed because there is ZERO chance that you beat a second confirmation test. Lets remember a few things from earlier, the labs do NOT post results after 7pm and they don’t post anything on weekends. Also, never assume your sample got tested the next day after your test, always assume it takes two days for it to be tested. If you passed at home tests I can almost assure you that you passed a lab test so don’t worry.


Although men generally require a longer time to detox than women, that is due to the greater average weight amongst the male population. If you are caught with fake urine you will likely face serious consequences. First, you will obviously fail the test, meaning you will lose the job or whatever the opportunity was that was your original reason for being tested. Secondly, and more seriously, you could be looking at a hefty fine or even jail time depending on your state.

It is not medically advisable to force yourself to pee if you don’t have to; however, if you must pee for a drug test, here are some ways you can do that. I use your in quotes because unless you paid for the test out of pocket, the results aren’t actually yours, they belong to whoever paid for them and you were just the meat bag to submit to the test. Assuming you paid for the test, they will contact you and give you your results and that’s that. You’ll need at least 30ml for a standard drug test or 45ml for a collection by the Department of Transportation; federal employers have stricter guidelines. For context, the average human bladder can hold around 300ml.

Make an effort to relax all of the muscles in your body, from head to toe. Use your fingertips to rapidly tap the area between your navel and pubic bone (for women) or penis (for men). Trouble urinating on demand is not uncommon when visiting a doctor’s office. A person’s nervous system is typically responsible for signaling when the bladder is full and should be emptied. People may need to drink several sips before trying to pee in order stages of sobriety alcohol to get this technique to work.